Family Lawyer Valrico, FL

The experienced Valrico, FL family lawyer team at Olivero Law, P.A. understands that there are few legal challenges more personal than those which involve divorce, child custody, child support, and/or domestic violence concerns. These legal issues – commonly referred to as “family law” matters – relate to marital, parental, and intimate relationships at fundamental levels. As a result, they must be treated with particular care, consideration, and respect.

If you have concerns related to divorce, child custody, child support, or domestic violence, it is important to understand that you do not need to navigate these stresses alone. By connecting with a dedicated Valrico family attorney as proactively as possible, you’ll place yourself in a strong position to make informed decisions in your best interests.

Family lawyer Valrico, FL

What Does A Family Lawyer Do?

The services of a family lawyer are tailored to the needs of individual clients. Our team has built its reputation in the community by working with clients of all kinds. From straightforward finalization of paperwork drafted by spouses divorcing amicably to litigating contentious child custody matters, we understand how to get results that uniquely serve those who entrust their circumstances to us.

When clients hope to negotiate or mediate their differences, we do all we can to keep their circumstances amicable while simultaneously protecting their rights and working towards an outcome featuring favorable terms. When a client’s differences with a spouse, a co-parent, or an intimate partner cannot be resolved amicably, we advocate aggressively on behalf of their interests in court.

What this means for you is that when you speak with our team, you can be confident that we’re not going to treat your situation with a one-size-fits-all approach. Instead, we will take time to learn about your unique needs and priorities so that we can craft a strategy designed to meet your goals.

If Your Immediate Situation Is Unsafe

If you’re seeking assistance due to a domestic violence situation, do what you can to make sure that contact with our firm isn’t traceable. If you need to call, do so on a burner phone. If you need to stop by, do what you can to ensure that you’re not being followed. If you’re visiting this page on a personal device, wipe all evidence of your visit so that it can’t be used to escalate your situation. Your safety is our greatest priority.

Legal Assistance Is Available

No responsible and ethical attorneys guarantee specific results. After all, the world can be a tough and unpredictable place. However, we at Olivero Law, P.A. are proud to say that our reputation speaks for itself. While we never rest on our accomplishments – striving for continued excellence is the foundation of our practice – we do want our clients and prospective clients to know that we will do all we can on their behalf. If you are in need of legal guidance due to a family matter, connect with our team of Valrico family lawyers today to learn more about how we can help. We look forward to meeting with you.

The Rights Of Grandparents And Their Grandchildren

Your Valrico, FL family lawyer can help you protect your rights and stay in touch with your children – or grandchildren. With years of experience in the field of family law, we’re committed to helping you maintain contact. Read on to learn more, and get in touch with us today to get started.

Legal Recognition Of Grandparent Rights

The legal system recognizes the potential contributions grandparents can make to the welfare of their grandchildren. Most jurisdictions have statutes or provisions that allow grandparents to seek visitation rights, and in certain cases, custody. These rights are not automatic and are typically considered by courts based on the best interests of the child.

Visitation Rights

Courts often acknowledge that maintaining a relationship with grandparents can be in the best interests of the child, especially if there is a pre-existing relationship that has significantly benefited the child’s life. However, obtaining these rights requires legal action, and the outcome can depend on various factors, including the child’s needs and the existing family structure.

Custody Considerations

In more extreme circumstances, such as when the parents are unable to provide adequate care, grandparents may seek custody of their grandchildren. These situations are complex and require the court to consider several factors to determine if such an arrangement would be the best solution for the child’s safety and development.

Steps Grandparents Can Take

For grandparents seeking to establish legal rights to visitation or custody, several steps are essential.

Understanding The Legal Requirements

Each state has its own set of laws governing the rights of grandparents regarding their grandchildren. It’s crucial to understand these laws and how they apply to specific situations. This includes knowing what conditions must be met for the courts to grant visitation or custody to grandparents.

Seeking Legal Guidance

Given the legal challenges involved, obtaining professional legal advice is crucial. The Valrico, FL family lawyers at Olivero Law, P.A., for example, can provide invaluable assistance by reviewing the specifics of your case, advising on the best course of action, and representing your interests in court.

Preparing For Court

If the situation escalates to a legal dispute, being prepared is key. This preparation involves gathering evidence that supports the claim that maintaining a relationship with the grandparent is in the child’s best interests. This evidence might include testimony about the grandparent’s role in the child’s life, the emotional bonds that exist, and how the grandparent has positively influenced the child’s upbringing.

Impact Of Grandparent Involvement

The involvement of grandparents in children’s lives can have lasting positive effects. Studies have shown that children with close relationships to their grandparents often have better emotional resilience and stronger social skills. Recognizing these benefits, the legal system aims to protect these relationships when it is in the best interest of the children involved.

We Are Here To Help

If you are a grandparent seeking to establish or protect your rights to a relationship with your grandchildren, remember that you do not have to navigate this challenging journey alone. At Olivero Law, P.A., we understand the nuances of family law and the importance of your relationship with your grandchildren. We are here to provide you with the guidance and support you need to protect your relationship preserve it according to the law. Contact us today to see how a Valrico, FL family lawyer from our office can help.

What To Know About Alimony

Your Valrico, FL family lawyer can help you understand your next steps, and walk you through what you can expect once the paperwork’s been finalized. At Olivero Law, P.A., we have years of experience assisting our clients with family law, divorce, and custody cases. Read on to learn more about alimony, and contact us today to get started on your case.

Basics Of Alimony

Alimony is intended to offset any unfair economic effects of a divorce by providing a continuing income to a non-wage-earning or lower-wage-earning spouse. Part of its purpose is to help a spouse maintain the standard of living they had during the marriage. There are several types of alimony, including temporary, permanent, rehabilitative, and reimbursement alimony. The type awarded will significantly depend on the specifics of the divorce case.

Determining Alimony

The process for determining whether alimony should be awarded varies by state, but generally, courts consider factors such as the length of the marriage, the financial need of one spouse, the other spouse’s ability to pay, each person’s age, physical and emotional condition, and the standard of living established during the marriage. Additionally, the contributions of each spouse to the marriage, including childcare, education, and career building of the other spouse, are typically taken into account.

Duration And Modification Of Alimony

The duration of alimony payments can vary. Temporary alimony might be granted during the divorce process, ending when the divorce is finalized. Rehabilitative alimony lasts until the receiving spouse has received sufficient training or education to become self-sufficient. Permanent alimony may continue until the receiving spouse remarries or either spouse dies, although it can sometimes be modified due to changes in financial circumstances.

Modifications to alimony agreements are not uncommon. They occur due to significant changes in financial status, employment, or remarriage. Keeping accurate records of payments and financial changes is crucial for both parties in case modifications need to be requested from the court.

Tax Implications Of Alimony

For divorces finalized after December 31, 2018, alimony payments are no longer deductible by the payer, nor are they taxable to the recipient. This change is due to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, which reversed the previous rules making it tax-deductible for the payer and taxable for the recipient. Understanding these implications is crucial for proper financial planning post-divorce. Fortunately, your Valrico family lawyer can talk you through the specifics.

Why Legal Guidance Is Important

Alimony can significantly impact both parties’ financial health post-divorce. Legal guidance is crucial in navigating the complexities of alimony arrangements. An experienced attorney can help ensure that the alimony arrangement is fair and equitable, considering all pertinent aspects of the couple’s life together and their respective needs and capabilities after the divorce.

At Olivero Law, P.A., we understand the challenges that come with negotiating alimony. Our team is committed to providing compassionate and competent support to help you manage the financial aspects of your divorce effectively. If you are facing divorce and need guidance on alimony or other financial concerns, contact us today, and see what a Valrico family lawyer from our office can do for you.


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    Client Review

    “Shiobhan is a consummate professional who is never afraid to take the tough cases. I have had the pleasure of knowing her as a colleague and friend and I am always impressed with her passion for her clients and to never stop growing. If you choose to hire Shiobhan you will certainly be made to feel as if you are more than just another name on a list of cases, as she truly cares for the people she is advocating for.”
    CaraLea P.
    Client Review

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