Brandon Robbery Defense Lawyer

Robbery Defense Lawyer Brandon, FL

If you are in need of legal assistance pertaining to a robbery incident, it would be wise to contact Olivero Law, P.A. and speak with a Brandon, Fl robbery defense lawyer that our residents trust. When an individual is charged with a robbery crime, they can face years in prison and substantial fines. If that person was armed when the robbery occurred, it may be considered an aggravated robbery. In the case of an aggravated robbery charge, the fine and sentencing time can increase.

Robbery Defense Lawyer Brandon, FL with a police car with its lights on

What is the jail time for a convicted robbery crime?

The jail time for a crime of this nature depends on a few variables. If the charged individual has a prior criminal record, that may increase their sentencing. Whether or not the guilty party was armed during the time of the robbery is also a variable that may dictate how many years they will spend in prison. Typically a robbery charge will be two to fifteen years in prison. An aggravated robbery charge can merit thirty years in prison. Crimes of robbery are not to be taken lightly, as the judge and jury often rule with severity. 

What should those facing a robbery charge look for in a defense lawyer?

Those facing criminal charges for a robbery they may or may not have committed should seek a robbery defense lawyer they can trust, who will serve them and their case well. If the defendant does not select a defense lawyer themselves, the court will assign them one. If a client feels that their defense lawyer is not serving them or their case well, they should seek another who will. It can be difficult to feel supported by your legal representation, but there are successful, experienced, and supportive robbery defense lawyers out there Brandon residents can trust, especially at Olivero Law, P.A

What makes for a good robbery defense lawyer?

A good defense attorney listens to the needs and wants of their client. They fight for their client’s rights within the law even if their client is the guilty party. It is not the role of a defense lawyer to pass judgment on their client, as they are to be considered innocent until proven guilty. Lawyers need to adhere to confidentiality laws with their clients. The disclosure of private information is illegal and can hurt a lawyer’s credibility and the case’s defense. A good defense lawyer will strengthen their client’s defense, submitting for a lesser sentence, or removal of the criminal charge altogether. 

Can robbery defense lawyers predict outcomes for their clients?

No, attorneys should never guarantee or predict a favorable outcome for their clients. Since there are so many factors that go into making sentences or charging a criminal offense, attorneys cannot predict what will happen. It would be very foolish for a client to expect their criminal charges to be lessened or dropped simply because another similar case resulted in that outcome. Clients need to have realistic expectations about the reality of their charges, and their future. Contact Olivero Law, P.A. today and speak with a robbery defense lawyer you can trust. 


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    Client Review

    “Shiobhan is a consummate professional who is never afraid to take the tough cases. I have had the pleasure of knowing her as a colleague and friend and I am always impressed with her passion for her clients and to never stop growing. If you choose to hire Shiobhan you will certainly be made to feel as if you are more than just another name on a list of cases, as she truly cares for the people she is advocating for.”
    CaraLea P.
    Client Review

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