Brandon Murder Defense Lawyer

Murder Defense Lawyer Brandon, FL

If you or someone you know is in need of legal representation regarding a murder charge, please contact a Olivero Law, P.A. to speak with our experienced Brandon, FL murder defense lawyer. When an individual is charged with murder, they can either select their own criminal defense lawyer or have one assigned to them by the court. The criminal defense lawyers assigned by the court are typically public defenders. Public defenders usually have a large caseload and are paid by the public defender’s office. Private law firms have criminal defense lawyers that defendants can hire, as well as those with their own independent legal offices.Murder Defense Lawyer Brandon, FL with two people in suits reviewing paperwork

No matter where the criminal defense lawyer is hired from, whether private, public, or independent it is important that they strive to work for their client’s best interest. Sadly, some attorneys care more about their own success and financial gain rather than the future and well-being of their clients. For this reason, clients should be encouraged to seek legal counsel that will serve them and their unique cases well. 

What should clients look for in a murder defense lawyer? 

Clients should seek out a criminal defense lawyer who will work hard to support them and their future. Experienced and successful attorneys understand how to negotiate, settle, argue, and persuade the judge and jury on behalf of their client for a lesser charge and sentence. Some defense lawyers are even able to drop their client’s charges altogether. Having realistic expectations regarding a case’s outcome is vital not only for the criminal defense lawyer but for their client as well. Although an attorney will work hard and try their best to achieve these goals for their client, there are many variables at play in criminal charges cases. 

Those faced with a criminal charge of murder may face severe fines and long prison sentences. Due to the severity of murder charges, defendants should prepare themselves for whatever the judge or jury decides. Defendants, with their criminal defense lawyers, must determine whether or not they will plead guilty or not guilty to the crime of murder. Depending on the defendant’s previous criminal record, the details of their case, and other variables, the sentencing and charges may vary from client to client. 

When meeting a murder defense lawyer for the first time, clients should be encouraged to disclose every detail regarding their case, and what occurred. Clients should not hold anything back for fear of judgment or disclosure of private information. It is an attorney’s role to listen and gather information from their client without judging them. It is not their job to determine their client’s guilt or innocence. All clients should remain innocent until proven guilty by a judge or jury. What is said between a client and their defense lawyer remains confidential. If clients feel as though their attorney is disclosing private information without their consent, and judging their words or actions, they should seek another murder defense lawyer who can better serve their case. Contact Olivero Law, P.A. today for a murder defense lawyer Brandon residents can put their trust in. 


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Client Review

“Shiobhan is a consummate professional who is never afraid to take the tough cases. I have had the pleasure of knowing her as a colleague and friend and I am always impressed with her passion for her clients and to never stop growing. If you choose to hire Shiobhan you will certainly be made to feel as if you are more than just another name on a list of cases, as she truly cares for the people she is advocating for.”
CaraLea P.
Client Review

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